16th Innovation Forum Medical Technology

17.10.2024 09:00 Uhr - 18:00 Uhr
Stadthalle Tuttlingen, Königstraße 39, 78532 Tuttlingen
The network meeting of the medical technology industry - Taking health to a new level - Synergies. Potentials. Progress.

The Innovation Forum Medical Technology is a place of diversity. The platform for expertise, communication and cooperation. This is where industry and science come together. Manufacturers and users. Developers and decision-makers. Forward thinkers and implementers. Progress needs this diversity. The diversity of experts. In encounters. In topics. Artificial intelligence, robotics, virtual reality and simulation have their place. Novel material innovations,
manufacturing methods and production processes. Digitalization, purity, sustainability.

You can benefit from the early bird discount until July 31, 2024. Registrations are now possible  here.

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